Increase customer loyalty
Under the main criteria of client loyalty understand: willingness to trust the opinion or vision of a company representative; desire to deal with controversial, ambiguous situations; willingness to listen to…

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"Do it yourself" your business: 6 business ideas
The basis of any business is the target audience. If it is - the business works, no - no matter how good the business is, there will be no profit.…

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How to attract investment
If you are interested in how to attract investments, then you should initially decide on the type of investor that will fully meet the interests of your company. To this…


Business on the windowsill: how to make money on plants
Plants are an underestimated source of income, under the power of anyone - from schoolchild to retired. Just a little knowledge, effort, and the usual sill, available in any housing.…

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Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…


amount of dividends

What are cold calls
Recently, such a sales technique as cold calls has been heard. These are calls to potential customers who are not yet familiar with the company (as opposed to warm calls…


How to reduce enterprise costs
Revenue consists of income and expenses that organizations have to bear. That is why reducing the cost of the enterprise becomes the only source of high profits. An erroneous strategy…
