The formula for calculating capital productivity
Turnover ratios show return on investment. One of these factors is the total capital productivity. Capital productivity is an economic indicator and one of the important indicators of the activity…

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Rules for the development of a unique commercial offer (UTP)
The multitude of similar goods and services that flood the market leads to confusion of ordinary buyers, because it is not so easy to make a choice in favor of…

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How to choose an online marketing course and not be left without pants
Online marketing courses are expensive. What is taught is not clear until you finish. I tell you what to look for in order to make the course useful, and the…


How to calculate the payback period of the project
If you decide to make financial investments in a particular project or want to start your own business, first of all you need to go through the planning stage. Only…

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What is the most effective advertising
Effective advertising campaigns play a very important role in the development of any business, which: tell the target audience about goods or services; they are interested in buying this product;…


promotional materials

How to make a commercial offer

The success of the company directly depends on how the offer is made. After all, it is able to attract customers, and profit depends on the availability of the latter. If you want to make your business successful, you definitely need to know how to make a commercial offer.

Commercial offer should not be confused with the usual price list or with the description of the product or service. Continue reading

How to choose the right staff

As any employee wants to find a good job, any employer wants to hire qualified, responsible and purposeful employees. And this is not surprising, because the staff is the “face” of the company. Thanks to employees, a business can flourish or even die.

In large firms, specially trained people – personnel officers are usually engaged in the selection of personnel. Continue reading

Three basic rules of merchandising

Any seller of goods wants to sell it faster. And in this much helps him such a thing as merchandising. Merchandising is a specific method of product promotion. It means the use of certain methods of displaying goods, window dressing, equipping goods with prices and promotional materials.

Today, merchandising is used not only in grocery stores, but also in clothing stores, other goods, in pharmacies, etc. And it can be used not only by the owners of supermarkets, but also by the owners of small shops. Continue reading

How to create a brand
Before you create a brand, you need to figure out what this concept means, determine its key components and identify the main functions. A brand is a symbolic display of…


Own business: we open a taxi station
What do you need to run a taxi business and how can you earn money today? The situation in the market, the most profitable car brands for taxis and calculations…
