Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…

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Three basic rules of merchandising
Any seller of goods wants to sell it faster. And in this much helps him such a thing as merchandising. Merchandising is a specific method of product promotion. It means…

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How to advertise your business on the Internet
Today, the global network provides tremendous advertising opportunities. It is safe to say that a firm or entrepreneur who does not use the Internet for advertising loses a large percentage…


How to make a commercial offer
The success of the company directly depends on how the offer is made. After all, it is able to attract customers, and profit depends on the availability of the latter.…

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Business without worries: the purchase of catering in the form of ready-made business
Catering facilities - the Grail for any novice businessman. Some people believe that a restaurant, cafe or hamburger is a true and profitable business. The latter believe that there is…


you can organize

4 basic steps to start your own business in the US

Doing business in the United States, in a country where the form of private enterprise has been erected in an absolute, is a rather simple task. But strict and orderly. With its pluses and minuses. Let us examine all the vicissitudes of the organization of business in the United States, and at the same time learn how to open your own business in America. Continue reading

How to make a commercial offer

The success of the company directly depends on how the offer is made. After all, it is able to attract customers, and profit depends on the availability of the latter. If you want to make your business successful, you definitely need to know how to make a commercial offer.

Commercial offer should not be confused with the usual price list or with the description of the product or service. Continue reading

Three basic rules of merchandising

Any seller of goods wants to sell it faster. And in this much helps him such a thing as merchandising. Merchandising is a specific method of product promotion. It means the use of certain methods of displaying goods, window dressing, equipping goods with prices and promotional materials.

Today, merchandising is used not only in grocery stores, but also in clothing stores, other goods, in pharmacies, etc. And it can be used not only by the owners of supermarkets, but also by the owners of small shops. Continue reading

Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…


Your business: how to open a tire shop
Tire service as a business is a minimum of investments, simplicity of organization, fast payback, and most importantly - consistently high demand due to the constant increase in the number…
