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How to choose the right staff

As any employee wants to find a good job, any employer wants to hire qualified, responsible and purposeful employees. And this is not surprising, because the staff is the “face” of the company. Thanks to employees, a business can flourish or even die.

In large firms, specially trained people – personnel officers are usually engaged in the selection of personnel.Some firms contact recruitment agencies. But not everyone has the opportunity to hire a personnel officer or contact such an agency. So, beginner businessmen (however, like some experienced managers) prefer to select personnel on their own. If you are one of them, then you first need to know how to choose the right employees.

Vacancy description
First of all, you should have a clear idea of ​​what kind of person you need in your head. Requirements must always be specific and complete. Based on them, you will make a job description. If the requirements are formulated incorrectly, then you will be approached by a huge stream of people from which it will be difficult to select the most worthy candidates.

Describing a job, you should not focus only on the desired personal qualities, education and work experience. You should also indicate what responsibilities the employee in this position will perform. This will help to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, when already at the interview stage the candidate suddenly reports that, in general, he was thinking about other duties, so the work does not suit him. Specifying specific responsibilities, you save your own and others’ time and nerves.

Here is the basic information that should be present in the job description:

Job title;
The size of the salary (it is desirable to indicate a specific one, since the candidates have less trust in firms where the “negotiated salary” is indicated);
The address of the organization (this is quite important, since for people it is often important that work is close to home);
Requirements for the candidate (education, work experience, knowledge of languages);
Job responsibilities;
Other information (for example, mode of operation).
Note! Vacancy should something to hook job seekers. To do this, you can specify in the description of career opportunities, awards. Just do not lie in the job description – at best, the person will understand it at the interview, and at worst – already starting to work. And very quickly leave you, and you have to look for an employee again.
Choosing a search method
There are several ways to find employees. One of them – search through friends. But here you need to be careful: it’s not a fact that the acquaintance doesn’t decide to just add to a loved one, “attach” him. As a result, this person may not be qualified at all.

The greatest popularity today is the placement of vacancies on the Internet on specialized sites. This is quite effective, since most able-bodied people are looking for work there. On the contrary, newspapers as an opportunity to find an employee gradually lose their significance. Thanks to ads in newspapers you can find, perhaps, people of working specialties, people in age.

Another way to find employees is to search through social networks. Nowadays, information in them spreads very quickly, and there are a lot of users in them. So, there is an opportunity to find a suitable person. This search method is very popular in the west, but it is also being used in our country.

Job fairs can also be effective as a search tool for employees. However, they have one big minus – they do not pass that often, 2-4 times a year.

Note! If you need a student studying in a particular specialty, it makes sense to post ads in higher education.
Almost all sites dedicated to the work contain a summary database. Some of them charge the employer for viewing a resume. But, by the way, you can get by with free options – there is plenty of resume on them too. You can view them and call the candidates for the interview.

Resume analysis
Suppose you placed a vacancy on the site, and here you have already received several dozen resumes. It is time to start their analysis, and this should be done very carefully, so as not to waste time on inappropriate candidates in the future.

By summary, you can already understand a lot. We give examples. Thus, a structured and well-written resume already highlights the person. Nowadays, not everyone is able to write without errors and logically present information.

If the candidate indicates “any” as the desired position, or lists everything in a row, this should alienate the employer. Most likely, the person himself does not know what he wants. If the duties are not written at all or described in one phrase, then this should be alerted. It is impossible to understand what such a candidate can do.

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