Formation of the company's image
Image is a representation of the company, which is created from its competitors, partners and customers. A good company image is an important component of its success. He will allow:…

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Its own bus. How to open a business for passenger transportation
Shuttle taxis are one of the most profitable and liquid types of car business. However, its launch is fraught with many difficulties that must be borne in mind for start-up…

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Becoming a Steve Jobs or Computer Empire
After reading the book “The Making of Steve Jobs”, I had a feeling that I was able to live with him all his life. The book is very interesting, as…


How to provide discounts
The main objective of discounts is to increase the turnover and strengthen the company's position in the sales market. Sometimes an organization fails to get the desired response from buyers.…

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How to expand business
Having the opportunity to open your business is not enough; it is important for an entrepreneur, after starting a business, to know how to manage the organization further and how…


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Own business: we open a taxi station

What do you need to run a taxi business and how can you earn money today? The situation in the market, the most profitable car brands for taxis and calculations for the organization of a small taxi fleet.
The taxi market is developing rapidly in recent years. And, despite the fact that competition in this business segment is increasing, this business is a financially profitable project. The use of leasing schemes allows to reduce investment, and attracting aggregators – no problem to provide a taxi fleet with customers. In such a business, you can enter without experience and gradually increase the number of cars, constantly increasing their profits. Continue reading

How to get a loan for individual entrepreneurs
How to attract investment Today, any individual has the opportunity to do business and become the owner of his own business. If the business of a developing company goes successfully,…


How to reduce enterprise costs
Revenue consists of income and expenses that organizations have to bear. That is why reducing the cost of the enterprise becomes the only source of high profits. An erroneous strategy…
