Its own bus. How to open a business for passenger transportation
Shuttle taxis are one of the most profitable and liquid types of car business. However, its launch is fraught with many difficulties that must be borne in mind for start-up…

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4 basic steps to start your own business in the US
Doing business in the United States, in a country where the form of private enterprise has been erected in an absolute, is a rather simple task. But strict and orderly.…

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Business on the windowsill: how to make money on plants
Plants are an underestimated source of income, under the power of anyone - from schoolchild to retired. Just a little knowledge, effort, and the usual sill, available in any housing.…


How to attract investment
If you are interested in how to attract investments, then you should initially decide on the type of investor that will fully meet the interests of your company. To this…

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How to provide discounts
The main objective of discounts is to increase the turnover and strengthen the company's position in the sales market. Sometimes an organization fails to get the desired response from buyers.…


special approach

How to present a project to a customer who does not understand your work?

Here you have designed the site, drew a logo or wrote text for the landing page and drop the result to the client. But your work did not seem to him a brilliant revelation, as you did. Ridiculous comments begin (what it carries), inappropriate edits are made (I will not even add it to the portfolio), and relations may be broken (I don’t work with this inadequate anymore). To avoid misunderstandings and correctly convey ideas, follow the plan from the article. Continue reading

How to increase the turnover of goods in the store

Knowing how to increase the turnover of goods in the store is useful to every retail owner regardless of how successful he is at the moment. New laws are being adopted, competition is growing, and in these changing conditions one must always be one step ahead.

Goal setting
Like any other idea, an increase in turnover should be formulated as a clear goal. Understanding what you need is the first step to increase sales. Continue reading

How to calculate the payback period of the project

If you decide to make financial investments in a particular project or want to start your own business, first of all you need to go through the planning stage. Only the most accurate plan for the development of a business or project will determine whether it will be profitable in the long run and whether it is worth spending your time, effort and money on its implementation.

When drafting a business plan, it becomes necessary to determine the period for which the project can pay off. Continue reading

How to increase the turnover of goods in the store
Knowing how to increase the turnover of goods in the store is useful to every retail owner regardless of how successful he is at the moment. New laws are being…


How to increase sales in a crisis
Crisis time makes everyone think about increasing sales. After all, citizens are not ready to part with a large amount of money. And the stores do not have enough profit…
