Business without worries: the purchase of catering in the form of ready-made business
Catering facilities – the Grail for any novice businessman. Some people believe that a restaurant, cafe or hamburger is a true and profitable business. The latter believe that there is an excess of competition in the market and nothing worthwhile will come out of the new enterprise. The third silently open a point on sale of shawarma. And the fourth buy a catering facility in the form of ready-made business and avoid a lot of pitfalls, which are written in this article.
On the catering did not speak only lazy. Perhaps this is the most studied area of business, every second novice entrepreneur is thinking about opening his cafe, fast food, restaurant and any other similar object. Forgetting about one interesting fact – McDonald’s, the worldwide known fast-food chain, exists in a single way and is the benchmark for all other similar establishments. Although, it would seem, for dozens of years of existence, a competitor could appear, equal in distribution of establishments and offers from the menu. But no! Any known fast food chain is compared to McDonalds. Yes, and the proposals of a small hamburger, opened by a small entrepreneur, are experiencing a qualitative comparison with the products of a distinguished older brother.
Public catering – a saturated business niche, with high competition and low margins – the difference between price and cost. The first to understand this are entrepreneurs who are counting on high profits in a niche. Their hopes are broken about the cape of “competition”, offering the same thing, but at a lower cost. On the other hand, catering is a good business school where real businessmen are forged and tempered.
If you opened and for a couple of years made a catering facility successful, it means that you knew all the details of the case and studied all aspects of any business. Due to the richness of the niche in the market, you can find good offers for the sale of ready-made business in the field of catering.
Microbusiness facilities: islets in shopping centers and street trading points – from coffee to go to desserts, cocktails and ice cream. Is it profitable to purchase them?
On the one hand, these are the most attractive objects of a ready-made business from the point of view of the end customer. Due to the low cost of such offers, they are suitable for all entrepreneurs who decide to purchase a ready-made catering point, but do not have a large material capital. All sorts of small points of sale of various fast food, drinks and desserts can be attributed to this niche.
Average prices in this area of ready-made business do not exceed 1 million rubles. Exceptions are franchised properties. Their cost may exceed the average three to four times. Franchise is also a business, and in the field of micro-enterprises, the margin of the franchise business is strongly reflected in the final price. That is, outbidding the object of such a business, opened on farnshize, the new owner pays twice – the previous owner and the owner of the brand. Therefore, if they offer a franchise object and it is suitable for all business conditions, it is better to start this business from scratch, not to buy a ready-made business, but to open a similar one for the same franchise by purchasing a package from the franchisor itself – the brand owner. Losses in this approach are nominal – it will take a little more time to reach self-sufficiency.
On the other hand, these are the most problematic objects of the finished business. And the franchise example is extremely revealing. First, a small point is comparable to a point in the market. Who will give accurate performance indicators of this point? No one. In the best case, the owner will call the floating numbers that say profit can be from and to. And on paper? Most likely, their accounting will be extremely simplified.
Secondly, the organization of such a point from scratch will come out much cheaper than buying in the form of a ready-made business. There is nothing difficult. The equipment is the simplest; you can buy it independently, both supported and new. Making a point with pleasure will any advertising and production company. So the question arises – what is the uniqueness of the offer of such a ready business? So that for him it was possible to buy this point of public catering, and not create your own from scratch? And this question arises extremely rarely and, most often, after the purchase of a business, when an entrepreneur stumbles over the first pitfall – the period of self-repayment.
The only compelling reason for buying a ready-made business in the form of similar catering facilities is the extreme and undeniable uniqueness of the location of the outlet (for example, in the Red Square of Moscow). It is worth noting that the possible profit and product range in such a reason for such business objects are not included. In other cases, it is better to create a similar business from scratch, or to join the well-known franchise. Experience, in any case, will be more than the buyer of the finished business.