How to determine the break-even point of the enterprise
Both in current activities and in production planning, a fairly efficient and simple tool for determining the necessary profit is used - break-even analysis. Before you determine the break-even point…

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Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…

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Aerography Studio Business Plan
Airbrushing is a trendy car restyling trend that can bring an excellent profit to a novice entrepreneur. This business can even be opened alone and in your own garage. 1.…


How to get a loan for individual entrepreneurs
How to attract investment Today, any individual has the opportunity to do business and become the owner of his own business. If the business of a developing company goes successfully,…

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Its own bus. How to open a business for passenger transportation
Shuttle taxis are one of the most profitable and liquid types of car business. However, its launch is fraught with many difficulties that must be borne in mind for start-up…


necessary to significantly

How to make a commercial offer

The success of the company directly depends on how the offer is made. After all, it is able to attract customers, and profit depends on the availability of the latter. If you want to make your business successful, you definitely need to know how to make a commercial offer.

Commercial offer should not be confused with the usual price list or with the description of the product or service. Continue reading

How to choose the right staff

As any employee wants to find a good job, any employer wants to hire qualified, responsible and purposeful employees. And this is not surprising, because the staff is the “face” of the company. Thanks to employees, a business can flourish or even die.

In large firms, specially trained people – personnel officers are usually engaged in the selection of personnel. Continue reading

How is the profitability of the enterprise calculated

Profitability is a key indicator of a commercial organization. It is necessary in the preparation of a business plan, cost accounting, setting prices, as well as to understand how profitable a business is. Profitability are interested lenders and investors when making decisions about cooperation with the company. In this regard, you need to know how to calculate the profitability of the enterprise.

What is profitability?
Profitability is a relative value that shows how efficiently an enterprise manages available funds (assets, capital, fixed assets, etc.). Continue reading

How to calculate the payback period of the project
If you decide to make financial investments in a particular project or want to start your own business, first of all you need to go through the planning stage. Only…


Aerography Studio Business Plan
Airbrushing is a trendy car restyling trend that can bring an excellent profit to a novice entrepreneur. This business can even be opened alone and in your own garage. 1.…
