Increase customer loyalty
Under the main criteria of client loyalty understand: willingness to trust the opinion or vision of a company representative; desire to deal with controversial, ambiguous situations; willingness to listen to…

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40 little-known business ideas that can start in 2019.

Bill Gates, an American entrepreneur and founder of Microsoft, earns about $ 20 million daily. However, he is not much different from ordinary people, except that he is one of the richest on the planet. How did this happen? He has always implemented his own business ideas, little known to others.

What is a business idea? This is the thought of the individual, clothed in a logical form describing the way to achieve certain goals. And each person has his own goals. Someone thinks about financial independence or dreams of self-realization. And someone wants to prove his worth to himself and others. In general, the ideas and ways to implement them, like people, are diverse!

Some choose popular business ideas, since they are all known, described in detail, and the paths to achieve are outlined and trampled. That is, in their understanding, such a path will be simple and easy, forgetting that the competition in such niches is huge. After all, who is not looking for simple ways? Virtually no one! Everyone needs the simplest way to organize their own successful business. That appeal to the popular!

Because there are a lot of information on popular business ideas, chewed facts and description of other people’s examples. We take the idea, we open a business, we look at the result. If it does not meet expectations, we are looking for ways on the Internet how to radically change the situation. That is, in fact, using other people’s experience, we are adjusting the business to our own expectations. Is it good? Individuality leaves the business, all processes go under a carbon copy of another’s experience. Including the path from errors to their solution. But the right decisions, most often, there is more than one. Who guarantees that his description of the experience will give the best result? The problem was solved, okay. Why reinvent the wheel? By the way, about two-wheeled cars. John Boyd Dunlop, the inventor of modern pneumatic tires, could have opened production of rubber tires for bicycles in the distant 1889 – like everyone else’s at that time, but instead he tried to solve the problem of stiffness and increased ride comfort. So there were wheels on the pneumatic course, subsequently found use in the production of cars. That is, he did not copy the popular business idea, acquire raw materials and the necessary equipment. And he made his, unknown, from scratch. With what and got into the story. Because I went on my own way.

Own way to implement a business is to search for ideas that are not implemented or little known. Guided by the common sense that there is no competition in such niches, and any adequate embodiment of a business idea can “shoot”, that is, quickly lead to the realization of the conceived goal.

And here is an amazing paradox. Eight out of ten people who have chosen well-known business ideas to translate, fail in their first year of operation. Why so? After all, ideas are known, described in detail, and the paths are marked and trodden?

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The answer to these questions lies on the surface. It all depends on the person who started the selected business. And nothing will help him except himself. It must be flexible, prudent, open to the new and the unknown. To constantly find new and useful for your business. This is the only way to achieve success in business. Because all this turns a well-known business idea into a little-known one. Transforms the case available to everyone in an occupation where a novice entrepreneur is, if not the first, then at least the second.

A striking example of a business idea that few people know about is the Winklevoss twin brothers, who believed in the future success of cryptocurrency. And in 2013, they acquired about 90 thousand bitcoins for $ 11 million. Calling it “an improved version of gold,” predicting the future course of cryptocurrency in the region of $ 40,000. Now their capital invested in bitcoins is $ 1.1 billion. And now they are in no hurry to sell their cryptocurrency. Back at the time, in 2013. Only a few people knew about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was a kind of virtual currency, a digital toy, worth not much more than $ 120. Winkloss, by the way professional oarsmen, finalists of the Beijing Olympics, considered Bitcoin as a reliable and long-term investment. And they were not mistaken, having made it long before the general cryptocurrency hyip. That is, they chose a little-known business niche and turned around in it among the first, beating all competitors.

Emil Oldenburg, co-founder of, the largest Bitcoin portal, is no less a vivid example of the continuation of such a business. At the end of 2017, at the peak of the growth and popularity of cryptocurrency, Emil sold all his Bitcoins, with the words that Bitcoin is “as good as useless”. Then he was considered somewhat inadequate, the course BTC

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