Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…

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Business for the self-employed: selling fresh bread through Instagram
Self-employed - people who provide paid services or sell the results of their activities, whose earnings are periodic, or are an auxiliary item of income to the main type of…

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Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…


How to advertise your business on the Internet
Today, the global network provides tremendous advertising opportunities. It is safe to say that a firm or entrepreneur who does not use the Internet for advertising loses a large percentage…

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How to run a business with a friend and not lose everything
# 1 Create a general idea Partnership with friends is beneficial because the general idea is a more effective motivator than money. A business that grows on the foundation of…


compare favorably

Own business: how to open a car wash

The purpose of this project is to open an on-site car wash, which involves the use of a dry cleaning method. The project is located in a city of 1 million people.

The target audience are car owners with an average and above-average level of income, who lack free time and value the environmentally friendly production. Continue reading

Formation of the company's image
Image is a representation of the company, which is created from its competitors, partners and customers. A good company image is an important component of its success. He will allow:…


What are cold calls
Recently, such a sales technique as cold calls has been heard. These are calls to potential customers who are not yet familiar with the company (as opposed to warm calls…
