Aerography Studio Business Plan
Airbrushing is a trendy car restyling trend that can bring an excellent profit to a novice entrepreneur. This business can even be opened alone and in your own garage. 1.…

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How to determine the break-even point of the enterprise
Both in current activities and in production planning, a fairly efficient and simple tool for determining the necessary profit is used - break-even analysis. Before you determine the break-even point…

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What is the most effective advertising
Effective advertising campaigns play a very important role in the development of any business, which: tell the target audience about goods or services; they are interested in buying this product;…


How to talk with the client
Very many workers at least sometimes communicate with customers. The ability to communicate competently with them is irreplaceable: employees who possess them increase the company's profit. Of course, everything largely…

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What is the most effective advertising
Effective advertising campaigns play a very important role in the development of any business, which: tell the target audience about goods or services; they are interested in buying this product;…


fascinating and informative

Becoming a Steve Jobs or Computer Empire

After reading the book “The Making of Steve Jobs”, I had a feeling that I was able to live with him all his life. The book is very interesting, as the example of Jobs shows how the computer industry was created and developed, with all its ups and downs. The book is very stimulating, as it shows how one person could change not only his fate, but also see the prospects in the field of computer technology for many decades to come. Whatever obstacles do not get in the way of Jobs, he stubbornly moved forward. Continue reading

Business for the self-employed: selling fresh bread through Instagram
Self-employed - people who provide paid services or sell the results of their activities, whose earnings are periodic, or are an auxiliary item of income to the main type of…


Business without worries: the purchase of catering in the form of ready-made business
Catering facilities - the Grail for any novice businessman. Some people believe that a restaurant, cafe or hamburger is a true and profitable business. The latter believe that there is…
