How to find an investor for a startup
In general, a startup can be described as a stage of business development (beginning) or a newly created business. Thus, any new company can be called a startup. However, a…

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How is the profitability of the enterprise calculated
Profitability is a key indicator of a commercial organization. It is necessary in the preparation of a business plan, cost accounting, setting prices, as well as to understand how profitable…

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What are cold calls
Recently, such a sales technique as cold calls has been heard. These are calls to potential customers who are not yet familiar with the company (as opposed to warm calls…


How to get a small business subsidy
One of the main obstacles to starting your own business is the lack of funds. Often, it is this obstacle that stops potential entrepreneurs from realizing their plans. Those who…

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How to increase the turnover of goods in the store
Knowing how to increase the turnover of goods in the store is useful to every retail owner regardless of how successful he is at the moment. New laws are being…


good lists

How to get a business grant
Many enterprising people seek to open their own business. To do this, initial capital is required. Immediately the question arises about where to get the money to start your business.…


Business on the windowsill: how to make money on plants
Plants are an underestimated source of income, under the power of anyone - from schoolchild to retired. Just a little knowledge, effort, and the usual sill, available in any housing.…
