How to increase sales in a crisis
Crisis time makes everyone think about increasing sales. After all, citizens are not ready to part with a large amount of money. And the stores do not have enough profit…

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How is the profitability of the enterprise calculated
Profitability is a key indicator of a commercial organization. It is necessary in the preparation of a business plan, cost accounting, setting prices, as well as to understand how profitable…

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How to talk with the client
Very many workers at least sometimes communicate with customers. The ability to communicate competently with them is irreplaceable: employees who possess them increase the company's profit. Of course, everything largely…


Business without worries: the purchase of catering in the form of ready-made business
Catering facilities - the Grail for any novice businessman. Some people believe that a restaurant, cafe or hamburger is a true and profitable business. The latter believe that there is…

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Customer loyalty programs
Each company has two ways to retain customers. The first is to prevent their transition to competitors, which sometimes takes the form of monopolization. In today's market, such an approach…


identify needs

How to make telephone calls

Every businessman should know how to conduct telephone calls. The dynamic rhythm of modern life dictates its own rules. The desire to increase sales, improve the quality of service, or improve technological processes is forcing business people to more and more often perform many tasks outside their office. The time allotted for solving current office problems is often scheduled by the minute. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to pay attention to the interlocutor, who had the honor of an unplanned visit. A full-fledged way of negotiating was by phone. Continue reading

Aerography Studio Business Plan
Airbrushing is a trendy car restyling trend that can bring an excellent profit to a novice entrepreneur. This business can even be opened alone and in your own garage. 1.…


How to get a small business subsidy
One of the main obstacles to starting your own business is the lack of funds. Often, it is this obstacle that stops potential entrepreneurs from realizing their plans. Those who…
